(영문도서) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, W W Norton & Co Inc 과학/공학

(영문도서) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, W W Norton & Co Inc

(영문도서) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, W W Norton & Co Inc

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(영문도서) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, W W Norton & Co Inc

(영문도서) Astrophysics for People in a Hurry, W W Norton & Co Inc

1. Concise and Accessible Language: “Astrophysics for People in a Hurry” is known for its clear, jargon-free language that makes complex astrophysics concepts understandable to non-experts. It presents the subject matter in a way that is accessible to anyone with a general curiosity about the universe.

2. Broad Coverage: Despite its brevity, this book covers a wide range of topics in astrophysics, including the origins of the universe, black holes, the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, and the search for extraterrestrial life. It provides a comprehensive overview of these subjects, allowing readers to grasp the fundamental principles and current theories in astrophysics.

3. Engaging and Thought-Provoking: Author Neil deGrasse Tyson’s engaging writing style stimulates curiosity and sparks further exploration. Through his insightful explanations and anecdotes, readers are encouraged to ponder deep questions about the cosmos, such as the nature of space-time and our place in the universe.

4. Well-Structured Format: The book is organized into easily digestible chapters, each focusing on a different aspect of astrophysics. This structure allows readers to absorb the information in bite-sized portions, making it an ideal choice for those with limited time or attention spans.

5. Authoritative and Respected: Neil deGrasse Tyson is a renowned astrophysicist and science communicator, known for his ability to make complex scientific concepts relatable to a wide audience. His expertise and authority in the field ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented in the book.

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